Wednesday 6 August 2014

The Way It All Began

2069, October was the time where we saw a brewing hostility between China and the rest of the world. There were allegations that the private company Jūnduì(軍隊) was hacking onto military databases of various countries it resided in.  The human rights violation and the seize of water, power and economy by the Chinese company in Sierra Leone were unanswered. Even after endless worldwide debates, and tonnes of country visits the Chinese just didn't budge. The newly formed Democratic Union of North America (DUNA)- an annexed country of Canada, Mexico, U.S.A and central american allies, sharing the same military, economy etc. called China "A threat to democracy" and actively spoke against it in the U.N General Assembly. The veto power China held and all the money it had been giving to the world bank kept any country from doing much.
The symbol for DUNA-Democratic Union of North America

2073, February- Information leaked that Jūnduì(軍隊) was actively involved in making weapons and it's main interest had been gathering intelligence of different countries and forming terribly scary weapons under the project name- "Privatization of Warfare 101J32". Furthermore, their HQ in Hongkou, Shanghai were using prisoners as a testing ground for new drugs(so to speak). This news shocked the world and immediately countries started alienating China by closing down windows for import and export. But by then China had such a strong grip on the world that only a few countries could say "no" to china while many others had China as a major contributor to their economy. China had kept powerful lobbyists in a lot of countries world-wide.

2076, December- China was not allowed to participate in the Olympics that year and India won the paralympic games in running. One thing to note is that paralympics these days is mostly a competition of bio-medical engineering and breakthrough designs of legs for runners- it has become similar to car racing where everything from the runner to the engineer to the designer is involved. India is the leading country in augmentations and this win using Milkha-75 the latest augmented running leg this paralympics showed the world how advanced India had become in this field. 

All was nice and dandy until China launched an attack on Arunachal Pradesh, India. War commenced and the whole world was(and still is) at a standstill. 

Thursday 31 July 2014

So it begins

May, 2079: Arunachal Pradesh was finally lost to China in a ruthless battle. DUNA lay silent, experts speculated that they are busy creating a weapon based purely on Nuclear fusion and were likely to launch it on China to end the war. As of time of writing even India is under huge pressure to create a bomb. The best of scientists are busy constructing a neutron bomb which will wipe land with high doses of lethal neutrons destroying life and matter as it bursts.
Claimed territory

  That was just the beginning of the scary part. The really chilling part was the true purpose of Jundui- to create monstrous warriors who will kill without hesitation. The "drugs" which were being tested back then were nothing but prototypes for the helmets being used in this war. Chinese soldiers had gas masks on pumping them with neurotoxins and other performance enhancing drugs.
Poster for army hanging on prison walls

These gases made "The Perfect Soldier" possible. It kept them awake, alert, super-enhanced their senses etc. It was marvelous bio-chemical technology put to use, and it made(with training) all the prisoners into complete inhuman killing machines. It would explode whenever the wearer died thus getting intelligence on it was quite difficult.